How to get rid of worms at home?

No one is immune from the worms, so ways to combat parasitic infections, you must know each individual. Folk remedies used at home from the worms — the safest way to get rid of them. It is the use of medicinal plants that have properties for the destruction of worms.


The features of herbal treatment

Traditional medicine for coping with parasites, is undoubtedly advantages in comparison with tablets. Natural ingredients are available, time-tested, soft effect on people, helps to drive a large number of well-known worms.

Methods of cleaning you need to choose carefully, trying to learn as much as possible — some are targeted measures against specific groups of worms and protozoa, and to accept them, when the other diagnosis is meaningless. If you have any doubts, you should abandon the self-medication and consult your doctor.

On the basis of the popular recipes are a variety of herbal ingredients that can kill them and then remove the body from the bodies of the dead worms.

To use such tools in practice is quite simple, as many of them are available and are always at hand.

Challenges traditional medicine

A lot of people the idea to get rid of worms at home is perceived condescending and even negative. This can be explained by the human desire to with the times, for the use of innovations in the pharmaceutical and not to resort to methods of "last century". Also reduces the confidence of a large number of unscrupulous "healers" that for profit, offer for the treatment of diseases with the help of plantain and other herbs, for the money, distributing their products online.

But in fact, the medicinal plants have the power, if it fell into the hands of an experienced man. 100% natural composition and the correct choice of ingredients allows you to safely affect the patient's body, without causing systemic damage to the liver, gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels.

The reckless use of folk recipes at home can lead to problems. Each plant has a list of contra-indications, despite the fact that it seems harmless. Also, chamomile can cause harm if taken incorrectly. Therefore, the apparent simplicity of alternative medicine just the way it looks.

Grass, the purposeful destruction of the worms have a toxic effect — without exception, otherwise the treatment would not make sense. Most of them are poisonous, some irritate the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, others cause poisoning. For this reason, the cleaning of plant materials, is prohibited from the following groups of people:

  • those with chronic digestive diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children up to 2 years.
The herb from worms

Before you use one of these recipes, you need to ensure that there are no problems with blood pressure, the liver and the kidney. In the opposite case, to avoid the development of side effects is almost impossible.

The characteristics of folk medicine

It is considered that with the help of plants, which may kill them and withdraw every parasite. It is only important to correctly organize the process of deworming, breaking each stage. Look at them in the table.

Stage of treatmentThe mechanism of action of
Preparatory7 days prior to therapy, begin every day to drink pumpkin seed oil for half an hour before meals for the extraction of toxins from the body.
Removing parasites from the bodyOn the basis of the prescribed doses and frequency of use of herbal medicines.
RecoveryNormalizes the body as a whole. Provides diet, avoiding harmful foods, medicines, concoctions of herbs to normalize the functioning of internal systems damage due to helminthiasis.

A list of the main points of the therapy, to get to the recipes.

Treatment of adult

To combat worms folk remedies at home there are a lot of recipes based on medicinal herbs. We propose to consider the most simple and effective ones.

Simple recipes

Tansy. This herb has anthelmintic action, can be used for adults. In Parasitology using their buds.

To combat nematodes — pinworm and ascaride, you need to grind into a powder, tansy, and mix it with honey in equal proportions. Take the medication half an hour before meals, morning and evening for 3 days. Receiving the last part must be combined with an enema or laxative preparation.

It is important to follow the dosage of tansy, as the plant is toxic and if you exceed the recommended ratios, which could trigger side effects, such as cramps, stomach pain and vomiting.

Wormwood. Effective against all parasites round. On the basis of the efficient plants, the preparation of tinctures with a strong anthelmintic effect.

The same proportions take the pumpkin seeds and crushed leaves of wormwood, pour vodka in the ratio of 1:3. the future of medicine insist 7 days in the shade. Take tincture in the morning and evening, for a little glass before meals. The course is 2 weeks.

This cannot be wormwood for the future and nursing mothers, people with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.


Immortelle. Helps against tapeworm. Similarly, there are st. john's wort, yarrow and chamomile, which can be used in one Set or individually. The first option is the most optimal.

For the preparation of therapeutic infusion of 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of the herb Helichrysum (or collection of the above plants, mixed in equal proportions), pour 500 ml boiling water and infused for 12 hours in a thermos. The tool then decant and take half a Cup 4 times daily before meals. Of course in 10 days.

Helichrysum should not be used for deworming of pregnant women, and hypertension and cholecystitis.

Pumpkin seeds. Quite a popular tool in the fight against the game. To help clean out the body of roundworms, some tapeworms and other helminths. There are two ways to treat pumpkin seeds:

  1. Every morning on an empty stomach, eat 2 tablespoons of peeled and crushed product. Then hours and hours of nothing to eat, and then take a laxative drug.
  2. On an empty stomach to eat 300 grams of dried seeds. After 30 minutes, drink a glass of warm milk, that has already been cooked, garlic and more with the same amount of time for the use of a laxative.

Treatment of pumpkin seeds is limited to individuals with a high acidity in the intestines.

Walnut. Used against nematodes and cestode (pinworms, ascarids, hookworms, cattle and pigs apni). The recipe in the fight against them is simple: 4 tablespoons. chopped immature nuts (definitely green!) pour a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. Ready means, filtered and divided into three parts, that need to drink during the day. The last dose of the infusion of supplements on a laxative.

The use of nuts, with the purpose of the treatment is prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers, persons with blood clotting.

Garlic. Powerful anthelmintic, not losing its popularity. Active against all parasites, including protozoa — Toxoplasma, amoeba, and Giardia.

For the preparation of the universal means, which is based on crushed garlic 50 grams of peeled cloves and pour the 200 ml of vodka. Insist the future of the therapeutic agent in a dark container for 7 days. Take 20 drops 3 times per day, half an hour before meals. Course of 2 weeks.

The use of garlic in folk medicine is contraindicated for individuals with kidney disease, gastritis and gastric ulcer, and epilepsy.

Bow. In a short time the grass round the parasites. To clean the pinworms and Ascaris, the one receiving the funds.

Large onion minced using a grater and pour a glass of boiling water. Filled for 12 hours. Getting up in the morning to drink on an empty stomach.

The use of onions for deworming is contraindicated in persons with a tendency to high blood pressure.

Linseed oil. Effective against pinworms, and Trichinella necator. No effect against ascarids. Drug taking 1 teaspoon 5 times a day before meals. Course of 2 weeks.

This tool is not recommended for the pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and pregnancy.

Pumpkin-seed oil. It helps to get rid of tapeworms and round parasites. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning, afternoon and evening after a meal. Of course in 10 days.

To be treated with pumpkin oil, which are undesirable for persons who suffer from diabetes and cholecystitis.


Cognac. In the fight against helminths will help you to use 4 tablespoons of strong drinks, which can dilute regular unsweetened tea in equal shares. Half an hour later take 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The course of treatment is 5 days, the procedure shall be performed immediately before bedtime.

Deworming with brandy is contraindicated in pregnant and nursing women, and people with epilepsy or high blood pressure, stomach ulcers.

Soda. We all know that baking soda diluted in water, becomes alkaline. Due to these properties it is possible to cleanse the body of excess acid and normalize the natural reaction of blood (pH 7.42). Of Soda given orally in the form of enemas.

The development of the worms takes place best in an acidic environment. This method is effective against pinworms, Ascaris, tapeworms, intestinal flukes and tapeworms. A solution of baking soda taken internally before meals, before using, ¼ teaspoon in hot water. If the body can tolerate the product, you can increase the amount in half. The course of treatment varies from 15 to 30 days, depending on the condition of the patient.

In addition, it enema, is based on the 2 litres of hot water, 30 g salt 20 g soda. Treatment solution it is advisable to inject part of every time to hold in the gut for at least 30 minutes. The procedure is performed in the morning or evening.

More complex methods

We have listed easy recipes, with anti-parasitic action, which is composed of one or two parts. Now consider the more complex ways of dealing with parasites for adults.

The tincture. There is a large amount of alcohol, means, created on the basis of medicinal herbs. Many of them are of universal effect.

  • One tablespoon of yarrow, tansy and wormwood, mixed in equal proportions, pour a glass of vodka and infuse for at least 14 days. Willing means take 20 drops 3 times per day. Course of 2 weeks.
  • 20 grams minced garlic and an equal quantity of horseradish root pour 500 ml of vodka and insist 10 days. Take tablespoons. teaspoon 2 times per day. Course of 2 weeks.
Pumpkin seeds

Plant for the collection. A combination of several herbs with anti-parasitic action, which increases the efficiency of the each other and helps to cleanse the body from most types of parasites.

National triad has established itself as a universal sedative in alternative medicine. To prepare, take 10 g of Artemisia, 15 grams of cloves and 30 g of tansy. The component is in dry form thoroughly mixed and used in accordance with the scheme, which is indicated in the table. The one-time amount of drug to 1 teaspoon.

Days treatmentThe recommended dose
11 tsp on an empty stomach before Breakfast.
21 teaspoon before morning and afternoon meals.
3-71 tsp 3 times a day.
8-21Under the previous scheme once a week.

If you want the treatment can be extended for a few months. Before the use of the triad Ivanchenko is important to ensure there are no contraindications all herbal ingredients in the product.

Tansy, chamomile and wormwood. Another equally effective fee that you can get rid of nematodes and protozoa. Take in equal proportions of 30 g of flowers of tansy and chamomile, and the same status wormwood. Pour mixture Cup boiling water and infuse for hours. That means in full volume in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening prepare the infusion again and take just before bedtime. The course is 6 days.

Enema. Helps fight parasites in the intestine. We propose to consider the most effective recipes that provide cleaning of the body.

  • 20 g of sage and the same amount of tansy, mix, brew a Cup of boiling water. Slightly cool the infusion, add the crushed clove of garlic. After 3 hours the solution is ready for enemas. Place it in any day for one week. The solution can expel pinworms and ascarids.
  • 50 ml of pumpkin oil and heat and type in "pear". Procedure it is important that before going to bed. The course is for two weeks.

Enema worms, which is held in the home, should be carried out in accordance with the rules of de-worming. Only in this case is the cleaning of the body, which will be the most successful.

Before the introduction of the treatment solution with anthelmintic action, must be carefully removed from the bowel the accumulated slag deposits. If you want to do this in 2 litres of room temperature water (preferably pre-softened or settled for 24 hours) add 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The procedure is performed in knee-elbow position and hold the solution for 10-15 minutes, and the amount must be divided into four parts and enters the patient's gut parts. Then proceed to the treatment.


Treatment of children

To combat helminths, the child uses the most delicate recipes. Their proper use allows you to clean the body of the child without resorting to the use of medicines.

So, we believe that it is an effective and easy way to de-worming in children, which are confirmed:

  • roundworms output chopped pumpkin seeds 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach, after waking up;
  • cepni remove the clove of garlic, eaten before Breakfast for 2 weeks;
  • to expel tapeworms and some other parasites in children helps infusion of pomegranate peels: the peel of one fruit, beer, half a Cup of boiling water and put ½ tsp 3 times a day. The dose may be, as is the artificially increased concentration of the active components may be the cause of vision problems in children;